Horoscope | today | Capricorn
Jan 17, 2025's Horoscope
An exploration beckons. Stick to reliable routes. Learn from elders without being inhibited by past worries. Overindulging could get expensive. Keep it simple.
today's Aspects
11:06 AM
Sun sextile Neptune
Others seek your assistance. Friends inspire you now. Your fame travels far and wide. Practice your poker face. Friends help you make a distant contact.
3:17 PM
Moon square Jupiter
Travel interferes with your routine. Don't flirt on company time. Show your philosophical side in public. The opposition holds out, and it could get tense. Partnership issues demand attention.
7:13 PM
Moon Trine Mercury
It pays to recycle. You're exceptionally quick and charming now.
9:32 PM
Moon opposition Venus
Check and double-check the data. Don't take on more than you can do by the deadline. A female is ecstatic. What you need is nearby.
11:23 PM
Moon opposition Saturn
Handle practical matters first. Shyness, lack of self-confidence, money problems, or trouble in a partnership keep your mood quiet. Call if you're going to be late. Don't get controversial now.
January Horoscope
January 13th
Adapt with community and team changes over six months. One social door closes and another opens with this eclipse.
January 29th
Stir up some romance. The new moon begins a two-week family, fun and passion phase. Get creative. Enjoy yourself.
January 30th
A door that was locked now opens. Love's getting easier to find. Fun and romance come intuitively, with uranus direct.